Hotel la Sirenetta

Hotel la Sirenetta


Hotel la Sirenetta

Hotel la Sirenetta, located on the centre of the town Giardini Naxos, awarded a "Golden Lion" for the hospitality and courtesy, with direct access to a free or private beach, where you can swim into limpid and blue water.

  • Hotel la Sirenetta
  • Hotel la Sirenetta
  • Hotel la Sirenetta
  • Hotel la Sirenetta

The Hotel is furnished with a spacious restaurant room with a panoramic view over the Naxos bay, where you can enjoy local specialities and regional foods and wines.

  • Hotel la Sirenetta
  • Hotel la Sirenetta
  • Hotel la Sirenetta
  • Hotel la Sirenetta

Hotel services available

  • Parking (if available)
  • Restaurant room
  • Direct acces to a free or private beach

Hotel la Sirenetta